As per Section 138 of the Company Act, 2013, the following terms and conditions shall be binding on the Internal Auditors of Aizawl Smart City Limited during their tenure  of appointment  by the

Board of Directors:

1. Perform an internal audit at least once in a quarter.
2. Ensure that the organization is complying with relevant laws and statutes.
3. Evaluate internal control and make recommendations on how to improve
4. Identify the shortfalls or gaps in processes
5. Promote ethics and help identify improper conduct.
6. Assure safeguards
7. Investigate fraud.
8. Communicate findings and recommendations at Board Meetings.
9. Assess the company’s risks and the efficacy of its risk management efforts.
10. Provide an opinion (Unqualified, qualified, adverse, or disclaim).
11. Assist the CFO in the preparation, detection of errors and sign the Financial Statements for presentation to statutory auditors.

Chief Executive Officer
Aizawl Smart City Limited
Aizawl, Mizoram